60 Professional Ways of Saying I Miss You

Staying connected with past colleagues is not just about maintaining friendships it’s about fostering valuable professional relationships.

These connections can open doors to future opportunities, job references, and a broadened network.

However, maintaining this connection without crossing into personal territory can be a delicate task.

With this in mind, we’ve curated a list of “60 Professional Ways of Saying I Miss You” to help you communicate with your ex-colleagues in an appropriately warm and nostalgic manner.

In this list, you’ll find varied expressions that convey the sentiment “I miss you” with a fitting professional tone.

From reminiscing about good times to acknowledging past collaborations, these statements will help you stay in touch effectively and fondly without blurring professional boundaries.

Also included below are tips on how to choose the right message depending on the nature of your past association with the colleague.

Whether you were close confidants or only met occasionally at office mixers, you’re sure to find the perfect expression in this comprehensive list.

60 Best Professional Ways of Saying I Miss You

  1. I’ve been thinking of you and hope you’re doing well.
  2. It’s been too long since we last connected. I’d love to catch up soon.
  3. I was reminiscing about our time working together. Those were good memories.
  4. Congrats on your newborn! I hope this exciting new chapter brings you much joy and happiness. Looking forward to hearing about your parenting adventures when we next catch up.
  5. Your contributions are missed around here. I hope you’re thriving in your new role.
  6. Our team isn’t the same without you. Your talent is irreplaceable.
  7. I wanted to reach out and say you’ve been on my mind lately.
  8. Things have been busy here. Having you to collaborate with would make the work more enjoyable.
  9. No one can quite fill your shoes. We hope you’ll come back to visit soon.
  10. I saw something today that reminded me of you. I had to smile thinking back on our adventures.
  11. The office feels emptier since you left. Your energy lit up the room.
  12. I know it’s been a while, but I’d love to reconnect over lunch sometime. My treat.
  13. I was going through some old files and came across your name. It brought back great memories.
  14. Your unique perspective is missed in team meetings. I wish I could pick your brain about this new project.
  15. I passed your old desk today and was reminded of how much fun we had working side by side.
  16. Things aren’t the same without my favorite colleague around. I hope you know you’re missed.
  17. No one makes me laugh like you used to. I could really use some of your humor to get me through the week!
  18. I saw we’re connected on LinkedIn and hoped to say a quick hello. It would be great to catch up sometime!
  19. Are you free for a quick video call? There’s no substitute for seeing a friendly face.
  20. Let’s meet up for coffee or a virtual chat. There’s so much to talk about!
  21. I know it sounds unprofessional, but I have to be candid – I really miss working with you!
  22. I was going through my contacts and smiled when I came across your name. Hope you’re doing well!
  23. Nothing beats your wit and wisdom. Our conversations always challenged me in the best ways.
  24. Your mentorship made me a better professional. I appreciate everything you taught me.
  25. I can’t believe it’s been so long since we collaborated. Those were some of my favorite work memories.
  26. The office talent show isn’t the same without your stand-up comedy routine. You always brought down the house!
  27. I was never fully able to replicate your filing system. You really knew how to organize things!
  28. You always knew how to bring levity to stressful situations. I could use that sense of humor today.
  29. Our department lunch Crew hasn’t been the same since you left. We have an open chair when you’re ready.
  30. I saw a motivational quote today that I know you would have appreciated. It made me think of you.
  31. I walked by your favorite cafe and saw they have a new item on the menu. We’ll have to check it out together soon!
  32. Things have been so serious around the office lately. We could really benefit from your spirit and enthusiasm.
  33. I heard a hilarious joke that only you would truly appreciate. I’d love to share it sometime.
  34. No one can replace your green thumb in the office garden. The plants have been wilting without your care.
  35. I miss our walks around the building when we’d bounce ideas off each other. You always gave me fresh perspective.
  36. Who’s going to be my trivia night partner now? We made an unbeatable team.
  37. I saved an article I think you’d find interesting. Maybe we could discuss it over the phone sometime.
  38. I could use your optimism on some of these projects. You always saw the bright side.
  39. Do you have availability for a quick video call? I’d love to get your take on this new initiative.
  40. Our monthly staff newsletter just isn’t the same without your creative touch. I could use your writing flair!
  41. I know we stay in touch digitally, but nothing beats an in-person hug. Come visit us soon!
  42. I was looking through old team photos and it made me nostalgic for our days working together.
  43. Your advice always helped me see things from a fresh perspective. I could use your wisdom today.
  44. It’s just not the same around here without hearing your infectious laugh echoing through the office.
  45. I saw we’re connected on Facebook. I’d love to catch up and hear how you’re doing socially!
  46. Our department karaoke nights have never been the same since you left. Your rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody was legendary!
  47. I know you loved that cafe down the street. Want to meet there for coffee soon? My treat!
  48. I came across one of your old reports and was so impressed by the quality. You always produced incredible work.
  49. I was reminiscing about that team-building retreat in the mountains. We had so many belly laughs together!
  50. Your creative vision brought so much innovation to our projects. We could use your imagination.
  51. Your substitutes just aren’t the same in our lunch basketball league. We’re suffering without you!
  52. I heard a song on the radio that reminded me of that road trip we took for the conference. Good times!
  53. The new client meetings lack your flair for presentation. I wish I had your public speaking skills!
  54. Remember when we celebrated my promotion? I’ll never forget that thoughtful gift you gave me.
  55. Your sage advice about work-life balance really opened my eyes. I could use your perspective.
  56. No one proofreads my writing as thoroughly as you did. I need your critical eye!
  57. I was cleaning out my car and found one of your hair ties. Made me smile thinking of you!
  58. I came across one of your brilliant marketing ideas in an old notebook. Please come back and implement it!
  59. Who’s going to be my race partner for the 5K fundraiser this year? We were unstoppable together!
  60. I know it’s unprofessional, but I have to say it – I really, really miss you around here!

You can also check: 30 Thank you note to Intern Examples

How do you Say Miss you to a Colleague?

It’s not often we find colleagues who break the barriers of being simply work associates and become cherished friends.

Their departure from our everyday work life can leave a void.

So, how do you convey to a colleague that they are genuinely missed? Here are some thoughtful ways:

  1. Sending a Card or Email: A heartfelt card or email can be a touching way to express that your colleague is missed. Include in the message a special memory, a joke you shared, or a project you collaborated on. Use words of appreciation like, “Your unique insights and motivation have been profoundly missed.”
  2. Text Messages: A simple text saying, “Dear friend, you’re missed around here. Remember the time when…” can bring a smile to their face. Recounting shared moments can lead them down memory lane, showing your appreciation for the interactions you had.
  3. Gestures of Appreciation: Small gestures can say a lot. Consider their likes and dislikes and make an effort to show you value and miss them. Perhaps your colleague was a food aficionado. Sending a treat, homemade or store-bought, can make them feel appreciated and missed.
  4. A Word to the Boss: Expressing to the boss how much your colleague is missed might motivate them to persuade the employee to reconsider changing jobs.
  5. Changing the Workspace Decoration: If their absence has left a void in the workspace, consider adding a decoration that reminds others of your missed colleague.
  6. Planning a Special Event: Create an occasion to reconnect. An invitation to a team lunch or a casual catch-up could make them feel valued, and remind them of the comfort zone they left behind.
  7. Remembering their Achievements: Acknowledge their contributions in your conversations. Saying, “Remember how our project won the client’s appreciation? That was a great job done by [colleague’s name]. We miss their expertise here,” will surely make your colleague feel missed and appreciated.
  8. Using the Power of Social Media: Sharing a group photo or a post appreciating their work can be a public way to express that they are missed.
  9. Personalized Gifts: A gift, like a framed photo of your team or a customized mug, can remind them of the good times they had with you.

Remember, everyone is an individual and what may seem like a small gesture to you might mean the world to them.

The most important thing is to convey your feelings genuinely and make them aware of how their absence has affected you.


Final Thoughts

In the hustle and bustle of the corporate world, it’s not often that we build strong bonds with our colleagues that extend beyond professional interactions.

When such individuals step away from their daily work lives, their absence can be deeply felt. It may be unconventional to say it out loud, but there’s nothing wrong with letting a cherished colleague know that they’re missed.

It underscores the value of their contributions and the impact they’ve left. After all, the professional setting builds relationships that are worth nurturing and maintaining.

Even if circumstances have changed, there’s always a way to reach out and express your feelings.

From a simple text message to planning a special event, every effort counts.

Remember to be genuine and sincere in your approach, letting them know you’re thinking of them and the positive impact they’ve had on you and the workplace.

In the end, the expression of missing a colleague is not just about nostalgia or longing, but also about acknowledging their worth and the unique role they played in your professional life.

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